

Original price was: £75.00.Current price is: £55.00.

Acrylic and biro on 420gm paper
29.5 x 41.7cm (ready to frame)
£55 – sale price (excluding postage)

In stock



This is a one-of-a-kind, original painting.

Acrylic on 400ml paper

29.5 x 41.7cms (A3)


This painting comes unframed.

Looking out from a safe place.

When I first moved to North Africa, in 2008, there were many cultural differences that became apparent. One of them was the wearing of head coverings, hijabs, and I learnt to dress with respect for the culture. This meant not showing ‘a bit of leg’, wearing long sleeves, looser clothes, in order to better fit in and be able to move around the city without drawing undue (and unwanted) attention to myself. Initially, I chose to wear a hijab (and sunglasses) in order to be able to safely and anonymously move around the city. It was interesting to do. I felt a freedom that I otherwise was not able to have at that time, as a Western woman living in that culture. Many friends felt it was ridiculous and said that I should be able to wear what I want. However, I was fine with it for a while. When in Rome…

The wearing of head coverings has been hotly argued in governments and among freedom fighters over the last few years. Some countries have banned the hijab entirely. With the much freer movement of people and cultures, there have been so many debates on the rights and wrongs. This is not the time or place to go into this but, as with so many of these so called ‘rights’, it’s the women that are under the spotlight – all too often having their rights and wishes argued by men. It’s all about perspective…

For many, the hijab represents modesty, piety and devotion to God, and I truly respect that. But the hijab should not be used as a means of applying social pressure on people.Queen Rania of Jordan

The sun doesn’t lose its beauty when covered by the clouds. The same way your beauty doesn’t fade when being covered by Hijab.Angelina Jolie


Using acrylic paint, both a brush and a palette knife, then adding marks and details with biro and ball-point pen. A very different, and definitely effective, technique – might do some more of these or bring this style into landscapes.