

Elephant 2

29.5 x 41.7cm

Acrylic paint on heavyweight paper

Ready to frame

£55 (excluding postage and packing)


Out of stock



This is a one-of-a-kind, original painting.

Acrylic on 450ml acrylic paper

29.5 x 41.7cmc (A3) Unframed


I love the angle of its head, the movement of its legs and how the composition creates a dynamic image.

What splendid creatures they are and how desperately we need to help them survive. This, like so many burning issues, comes down to education, knowledge, understanding. If people learn about endangered species, and why they are threatened, they are more likely to respect and protect them. The western world would be (and are becoming) less likely to take part in trophy hunting, competitive killing.

This education is of paramount importance in the countries where the elephants (as an example) are indigenous. These creatures may well be splendid to the eyes of the western world but they can completely flatten local people’s crops and leave them without food. With this in mind, it’s easy to understand why locals might want to kill elephants. However, if they’re educated about how to deter the elephants from coming into their fields and villages (example?)