Original painting
Acrylic paint, palette knife and biro on 420gm paper
29.5 x 41.7cm: A3 (ready to frame)
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Is she shy? Frightened?? Playing? Hiding? from who, what? I’ll leave it up to you, the viewer, to decide.
For me, in troubled times, it’s the women and children who are left particularly vulnerable. We, as humans, don’t seem to learn from the lessons of history and it can be seen that those less able to defend themselves fall victim to the power of others who deem themselves stronger. However, the real strength lies in the victims, who have to pick themselves up, unsee images, learn to live life beyond trauma. That’s where real power lies. These are the people that often grow into adults with big, kind hearts, who recognise and help those less fortunate – but should they really have to suffer to gain an understanding, an empathy? Could this value be taught? In the words of the Dalai Lama:
‘Modern education is premised strongly on materialistic values. It is vital that when educating children’s brains, we do not neglect to educate their hearts, a key element of which has to be nurturing our compassionate nature.’